Set off from Sati Villa Kandy after an early breakfast, with your hats and drinking water, to the Elephant Orphanage in Pinnawala, Rambukkana.
The orphanage was founded to care and protect the many orphaned unweaned wild elephants. Meet the twin elephants born in Aug 2021 that made news headlines. Check the baby elephant bottle feeding times and be there for this adorable event. And then watch the herd bathe in mud and water by crossing the road to the river nearby- guided by the elephant caretakers. As majestic as they are, they are a treat to watch!
There is an area where you can get up close and personal with the elephants and a time to move away from the rushing heard. One never tires from watching these gentle giants.
Along their path to the river, which you will follow behind, there are souvenir shops.